Monday, August 12, 2019


The Artist's Life

There are so many roadblocks to being an artist that one wonders why not just give up.

It's about the time to plan a painting, it's message, one's devotion to their craft, and the love of the
creative process.

It's about the criticisms, acceptances and rejections of one's art in today's society. 

When you really think about it, it is amazing great art is made at all.

One has to dive deeper for a very long time to work through personal challenges, to continue to 
move forward, to follow one's eternal calling of artist, painter, illustrator from their soul. 

One needs to be resilient!


#artistslife #reflections #lifeexperience

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Artist's Journey

I Believe

Dear Friends,

Hello all, it has been awhile since I have written but as one knows 
life always presents its ups and downs...

During my teen years, I felt winter was endless.

I longed for the warmth of sunlight and spring breezes, knowing my life would be filled with family
gatherings at picnics, exploring the nearby fields and parks, arts and crafts with the community children and 
my fun-loving friends.
Lately, however, I have come to view the season's cold days as time to prepare for art projects. 
Especially since the cold, freeze and thaw caused water damages in my studio. Precious early works
from the beginning of my art career ruined. So disheartening for an artist reflecting on their
creative journey. In the midst of the clean-up I have found a very precious memory given to me 
by my parents on Christmas Day so long ago. The gift that gave inspiration from an artist from the
the 1960's for me. How many artists out there watched Jon Gnagy's television show, or received this
gift...I am sure quite a few.

Today I wish you cherished memories of whatever holds true in your heart!

"I believe that in the life of everyone there comes a time when the Art Spirit is dominant. You may 
have passed it when you were 5 or 7 or 11 years of age. But it will come again several times in your
life when you are looking for something outside your practical everyday routine." Jon Gnagy


#artspirit #creativejourney #learntodraw

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How Does Color Affect Your Emotions?

The Magic of Color

Perhaps you have never thought much about color, but I promise you color has more impact than one ever imagined!

Artists have studied its secrets and use them to make masterpieces come alive. The world's most beautiful people have discovered its power in fashion, home decor, cosmetics and Interior Design.  From the beginning of time, we were blessed with the beauty of nature and all of the colors in their finest of hues. The seasons, Autumn, Spring, Winter and Summer, each with its unique and harmonious colors, has showered our world with colors. The golden undertones found in Autumn, as crisp as the October leaves. The first  daffodil that blooms each Spring blossoms in warm yellow tones. The cool, icy colors of blues, greys and violets of Winter,  that sparkles like a glittering snowflake. And the soft colors of the sea, sand and sky glow in the June of Summer with cool, blue undertones. Color is magic, not only, is it beautiful, color also affects ones emotions, their surroundings and daily interactions.

Let us consider the following colors and how they can affect you with their emotions!
Red is a very emotionally intense color!
Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow!

Yellow is the color of sunshine!

Green is the color of nature!
Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red!
White is connected with perfection!
Black is associated with power, elegance, strength, mystery and grief.

Yes, color is a wonderful teaching tool to portray images that are understandable and memorable both to the artist and in daily living. Color helps us to gather and process information. Color affects our emotions. Color can help us remember important ideas.

Color is a beautiful gift to help us to enjoy life!



Sunday, December 31, 2017

Dear Friends,

One of the joys of any holiday season

is the gathering together of all the treasured ornaments that have accumulated over the years. Some bring wonderful memories of friends and family who have remembered you in some special way with their selection of a beautiful ornament.

It may have been a wedding day gift for your first Christmas tree, or a baby's first Christmas ornament, or even a memory of a fishing trip with friends. All in all, each time that special ornament is hung on the ceiling-high evergreen each holiday season, it brings warm memories of those both near and far, those with us and those who have gone to be with our Lord.  The holidays always bring joy, to be surrounded by loved ones, to hold onto customs and traditions.

      As the year draws to a close, I want to extend the warmest of thanks to all my family and friends  for their continued artistic support throughout the last twelve months. I wish you love, peace and joy in 2018.  I look forward to help with all your visions and ideas in the future.

Happy New Year!  XO, Patty B. Lipinski, Illustrator

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Breaking Bread

Last night I was preparing the stuffing for the turkey.

It’s the breaking of bread that always seems to take more time, so I wait until the last minute to get started with this task. I was listening to the television, World News Tonight, and going through the repetitive motion of taking chunks of bread from a stuffing loaf and placing into a large metal mixing bowl. As I was working, terrible events were happening in the news. An officer was lost by violence, fugitives on the run, countries being torn by chaos. I continued to break the bread apart. As I did, I realized how lucky I am to being doing this simple task. I became overwhelmed with gratitude for food in a home I love and know my family and friends  are safe. But I also know life can change in a instant. It has happened before. I appreciate being blessed with mundane normalcy and peace. And try to help others who are less fortunate and be a blessing to someone each day.                                                                                           
Thanksgiving is a time for us to remember how blessed we truly are in this life. So as this great meal ends and we begin to do our tasks, clearing the table, doing dishes, putting away leftovers, I will cherish the day at home. That warm place filled with scents of roasted turkey and pumpkin pie, recalling warm memories of those no longer with us, and thinking of those who are less fortunate who would have loved to just break bread for a holiday meal. Volunteering or donating supplies or funds is one way to make a difference. During this holiday, its best to remind ourselves that breaking bread is in itself a blessing everyone deserves.

#illustration #watercolor

'Juicy' Watercolor and Ink, 11" x 14"

Friday, October 20, 2017

Acts of Hope

Artists are hopeful people.

We read, draw and paint, write and wait while nothing appears to happen.
Yet we expect the audience will react...and eventually they do.
With responses of positive support and encouragement.

So I wasn't surprised to see the country's responses just a few days after the October 1st Las Vegas tragedy. Volunteers gathered to plant trees, flowers and plants in honor and memory of a loved one lost to such sadness. A community garden created by the community, for the community, to heal the community. A Healing Garden that will last and endure forever.

"Plant now, so in the spring, we can be reminded that even a tiny sapling can win against all odds."
-anonymous volunteer

As we attempt to return to a new 'normal' in the aftermath of our national tragedy, it may be gardening isn't just a hobby, but a way of life. One that lessens stress, brings beauty, provides inspiration for expression, and gives one hope for the future. As an artist, I spend a great deal of time tending to flowers, plants and vegetables in the garden. As well as studying colors, leaf formations, butterflies, birds and insects. I collect specimens of plants and press them for future reference for my paintings. Sometimes we underestimate the impact beauty has on our life. If we just take a moment to enjoy the colors, scents and sounds, it may be a powerful thing in one's journey on earth. 

So as we prepare for the holiday season ahead, and reflect on our past, celebrate the present, and await the future, let us be grateful for the many gifts our talents have been given to us to share with others in these challenging times.


"The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies."
-Gertrude Jekyll

#autumnart #illustration

Monday, September 25, 2017

Sometimes the Blessing is to Accept the Change

Yesterday as I was driving along the highway to a family wedding,

I saw that enough leaves have begun to change color. As happy a I was to see the beautiful colors of gold, orange and red I wasn't quite ready to accept this sign, needing sweaters, coats, gloves, boots and shovels.

Change is stressful even when good...

Getting a new job, buying a home, getting married, having a baby, retiring, ...all things people plan,
look forward to in the future, and bring joy to their life. But change also can be more abruptly shaken  when change is something you were not planning or looking forward to, it becomes even more unsettling:
a loved one dies, an illness is diagnosed, a natural disaster occurs, a loss of job, a car accident.

Change can be confusing, making one feel lost. We are knocked out of our comfort area. Things become uncertain and we just do not know what to expect. We ask ourselves, "Who am I now?"

"How will I make it through this time in my life?" Whether change is accepting a new reality or adjusting to autumn moving to winter, it takes us a minute to find those answers and cope with the situation.

I remember how, incredibly difficult it was to be a caregiver of four loved ones through a span of eight years of my life. Each loved one had various diagnoses or terminal illnesses. How did I survive? As I moved through this change, I encountered denial, anger, resentment, resistance and I bargained with my faith to help my loved ones. I searched for hope and waited and waited, unable to move, sometimes over-reactive. 

I realized as a caregiver, as the changes were occurring, I was letting go of something and becoming something new. I had to focus my attention on my young daughter who needed strength and stability. I tended to my loved ones with the utmost care but I was still a wife, mother, daughter, artist and full-time employee. 

And so, as we move through change, whether it's personal, seasonal, environmental or political, we are always letting go of the old and embracing the new. Are we courageous enough to let go and be open to the new patterns in our life so it grows strong and beautiful?

In the painting, "Sweet Refreshment" the water fountain symbolizes the renewal change brings in one's life. The magic of fairyland shows one to be open to new ideas and creativity. To embrace life in all its glory.

Sometimes it requires only to be present in mind and a commitment to giving back. To help others in need, the homeless, the poor, the survivors of natural disasters. Yes, one experiences change in so many ways. Some good, some not so good, but if we stay resilient, it is our choice how we move forward.


Prints available at

#blog #change #painting #watercolor #prints

'Sweet Refreshment'