Coming Full Circle...
Every Autumn, I become consumed in the process of preparing the garden for winter.
I reflect upon how
much the seasons direct my life. The seasons are a fact of nature, they just
happen. I reminisce, it's all about time. I ponder activities such as planning,
plowing, and harvesting the garden as well as religious celebrations and holidays.
All seem to be part of a circle of events. Once again, its Autumn. Cold weather
arrives and I put all summer items in storage for the garden has been put away.
I remember the
warmer days with windows wide open. Soft breezes, colors of sky, soil and
sunflowers. The beautiful monarch butterflies floating through the air from
flower to flower. How the change of the butterfly adapts to its setting.
Strength and beauty found in their translucent wings. Every spring the
butterfly returns to my garden to bring beauty and hope.
I have come full
circle. I am thankful for the blessings of each and every day and the cycle of
seasons that bring joy to my life.
"September is dressing
herself in showy dahlias and splendid marigolds and starry zinnias."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
'Wings of Grey', Pen and Ink, 8" x 11"
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